Archiving Workflow

I’ve been doing a lot of archiving the last couple of days, and a friend was asking me questions about it last night, so I thought I’d share what my workflow is. First, I’ll start off with what I do … Read More

pulling out of the driveway

I hadn’t been to Ottawa very long yesterday before I met Kevin, who had a boat and was getting ready to head down the street to his home. He had to get his cat, who was high and dry and … Read More

Ohio under water

I spent the day yesterday photographing the flood of the Blanchard River in Ottawa, Ohio. Members of the Imm family, who were kind enough to let me ride along with them while they boated into town, suffered extensive flooding to … Read More

cemetery sentinel

On the way back to my grandparents’ old place in Red Cloud, I happened to see a dog sitting just inside the cemetery. I actually stopped thinking that as soon as I got out of my car this pup would … Read More

coming out of my shell

A few weeks ago, I was on a drive to Red Cloud, Nebraska, when I came across this giant snapping turtle on U.S. Highway 281 north of town. It had been raining quite a bit, and I guess he must … Read More

Somewhere in the middle of America

A week ago I presented my master’s project to my committee at Ohio University and I think it went pretty well. I spent quite a bit of time last summer living in Red Cloud, Nebraska, 18 miles from the geographic … Read More

more frustrations with iView and archiving

I’m back to archiving, without my earlier problems solved. Now it’s one workaround after another.Another thing that’s been happening to me most of the time is that when I move selected images to a new catalog, as I’ve done many … Read More

problems with iView MediaPro

I’ve been having issues with my cataloging software recently…I just posted this long message to their support forums. I hope I can get back up and running soon, as I’m falling behind now. I recently got a new iMac 2.16 … Read More

Red Cloud project winding down

Today was an interesting day so far. I interviewed Lonnie Knehans, the Webster County Clerk, and Jim Disney, the Webster County Sheriff. It was cool to hear about Lonnie growing up in Guide Rock, and how the area used to … Read More